Restoration Objective:
This experiment was conducted to test the feasibility of restoring natural coastal Cystoseira sp. beds that have been destroyed or are in decline, and to assess the capability of these species to colonise new areas far from the parental population.
Site Selection Criteria:
Izola is a marine protected area where the rocky shores are wave exposed and characterized by continuous natural populations of C. barbata and C. compressa, which extend down to 5m in depth. The MNMR is a protected coastal area characterised by karstic limestone shores. At the time of the experiment, no Cystoseira thalli were present within the MNMR.
Cause Of Decline:
In the Mediterranean Sea, the genus Cytoseira is widely distributed in shallow sublittoral waters. The complex morphology of Cytoseira kelps provides habitat for attachment of benthic fauna, and allows an epiphytic stratification in relation to light, sediment and hydrodynamic gradients. In the gulf of Trieste, Cystoseira sp. beds have declined following severe damage by anthropogenic disturbances.
Key Reasons For Decline:
Scientific Paper
Algal transplantation as a potential tool for artificial reef management and environmental mitigation
Bulletin of Marine Science, Vol. 78.