University of California institute of Marine Science - San Onofre

Restoration Project

University of California institute of Marine Science - San Onofre

Restoration Objective:

The objective of restoration efforts was to restore lost Macrocystis forests and their associated biological and economic value.

Site Selection Criteria:

A site was selected with historical Macrocystis beds.

Cause Of Decline:

Two years of abnormally high sea surface temperatures from 1957 - 1959 caused the complete loss of the last remaining Macrocystis stands along Paolo Verde.

Key Reasons For Decline:

Ocean warming

Scientific Paper

Annual Report, Kelp Habitat Improvement Project 1974-1975. California Institute of Technology

W. North

Site Observations:

Observation Date

24th Aug 1972 – 11th Dec 1975

Action Summary:

Mass culture of kelp embryos were produced using spores obtained from adult plants growing at Turtle Bay in central Baja California (5c warmer water).

Project Outcomes:

Dispersal developed into a considerable juvenile kelp patch off Mateo point (10 plants/m2). It also coincided with the appearance of many local juvenile Macrocystis plants. Throughout 1974 and 1975 sparsely-distributed young adult Mexican Macrocystis were observed that likely survived from dispersals.

Nature of Disturbance:

Urchin grazing caused considerable damage to the outer kelp patch in 1975.

Key Reasons For Decline:

Ocean warming

Indicator Data:


Ending Value:

Starting Value:

Presence / Absence of Kelp

Observation Date

20th May 1975 – 11th Dec 1975

Action Summary:

Mexican Macrocystis pyrifera plants were cultured till they were a few inches tall and then attached individually to rocks. During 1972-1973, mass cultures were dispersed near San Onofre on 6 occasions.

Project Outcomes:

Excellent development of transplants was observed.

Key Reasons For Decline:

Ocean warming

Indicator Data:


Ending Value:

Starting Value:

Presence / Absence of Kelp