University of California institute of Marine Science - La Jolla

Restoration Project

University of California institute of Marine Science - La Jolla

Restoration Objective:

Transplantation experiments were carried out to determine whether planting kelps in sandy bottomed sites would attract animals generally found on rocky reefs. Converting barren areas to kelp beds may also increase commercial productivity for sport and commercial fishermen.

Site Selection Criteria:

Sandy sites were selected for transplanting.

Cause Of Decline:

The canopies of most Macrocystis pyrifera beds north of Vizcaino Bay suffered severe damage, presumably from high water temperatures during the latter part of the summer.

Key Reasons For Decline:


Scientific Paper

Experimental Ecology in Kelp Investigations Program. University California Institute of Marine Science

W.J. North

Site Observations:

Observation Date

15th Jul 1957 – 15th Nov 1957

Action Summary:

During the summer and fall of 1957, two Macrocystis plants were collected from La Jolla kelp bed and were tied with nylon cord to plastic buoys which were then anchored in a sandy area.

Lessons Learned:

Found that kelp attached best, to smooth surfaces and that rough surfaces are not necessary for attachment.

Project Outcomes:

Despite damage due to warming, the holdfasts put forth new hapteral growth and attached to the plastic buoys and in the fall new fronds were observed developing on one plant (the other buoy was lost).

Nature of Disturbance:

The upper fronds of the plant was damaged by warm waters during the summer.

Key Reasons For Decline:

Ocean warming

Area of Restoration (Ha)


Indicator Data:


Ending Value:

Starting Value:

Adult Kelp Count


Observation Date

2nd Dec 1957 – 27th Dec 1975

Action Summary:

Nine adult Macrocystis plants were collected from a depth of 60ft in the La Jolla kelp bed and transplanted to a sandy area, using weights to anchor kelps to the bottom.

Lessons Learned:

A congregation of animals around the kelp was observed despite the later loss of kelp.

Project Outcomes:

A severe storm resulted in the loss of all fish and kelp.

Nature of Disturbance:

On 27 December the area was revisited after a severe storm and all the plants and fish had vanished.

Key Reasons For Decline:


Area of Restoration (Ha)


Indicator Data:


Ending Value:

Starting Value:

Adult Kelp Count
