University of California institute of Marine Science - Imperial Beach

Restoration Project

University of California institute of Marine Science - Imperial Beach

Restoration Objective:

The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of liming on urchin control, and to test possible harmful side effects to other species.

Site Selection Criteria:

Sites were selected that had previous kelp cover, close proximity to remnant kelp beds and high urchin densities.

Key Reasons For Decline:

Ocean warming

Scientific Paper

Kelp Habitat Improvement Project Final Report 1 Dec., 1963

W. North

Site Observations:

Observation Date

19th Jul 1962 – 30th Aug 1963

Action Summary:

An area of 200 x 200ft was treated with 2 tonnes of quicklime (dosage of 0.01 pounds per square foot). In July, a fruiting Macrocystis adult plant was transplanted to the northern area of the site. In August a second plant was transplanted.

Lessons Learned:

The Paolo Verdes site had most successful regeneration due to its proximity to a healthy Macrocystis bed.

Project Outcomes:

At Imperial Beach, in August there was an increase in vegetation. However, vegetation was mainly red algae and no Macrocystis juveniles were observed.

Key Reasons For Decline:

Ocean warming

Area of Restoration (Ha)


Indicator Data:


Ending Value:

Starting Value:

Juvenile Kelp Density

/ m2
/ m2