Restoration Objective:
The objective of restoration efforts was to restore and sustain giant kelp habitat along the 300 miles of the Southern California Bight, from Santa Barbara to San Diego, in areas that historically supported kelp forest communities.
Site Selection Criteria:
Sites were selected that had historically hosted kelp populations.
Cause Of Decline:
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) is among the top primary producers in the near shore waters of central and southern California. Kelp forests provide food and habitat for over 800 species of organisms, and help protect shores. Over the past century, the regional extinction of the southern sea otter, untreated sewage outfalls, direct and indirect effects of commercial and recreational fishing, urban and coastal development, the establishment of urchin barrens, the increasing frequency and intensity of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, and shifts in the position of the Northern Pacific Gyre have all undermined the stability of the kelp.
Key Reasons For Decline:
Scientific Paper
Southern California Regional Kelp Restoration Project. Final Report of Project Archivities Covering the period September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2007
California Coastkeeper Alliance, p.46.