Aberystwyth University - Browns Bay

Restoration Project

Aberystwyth University - Browns Bay

Restoration Objective:

Test the green gravel restoration technique on exposed coastlines.

Site Selection Criteria:

2x wave exposed sites along the NE coast of the UK: Browns Bay & Seaton Sluice

Cause Of Decline:

NA - methodological development

Scientific Paper

An assessment of the utility of green gravel as a kelp restoration tool in wave-exposed intertidal habitats

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.

Site Observations:

Observation Date

12th Nov 2020 – 5th Nov 2021

Action Summary:

Small rocks from local beach seeded with S.latissima and reared in the aquarium for several months. Rocks were outplantd at two wave exposed intertidal sites a few months later and monitored for retention, kelp density and growth.

Lessons Learned:

S.latissima were a suitable candidate for rearing using the green gravel methodology, however the sites selected were not appropriate for this restoration action (too exposed). Also the sites experienced a degree of sedimentation which could have influenced the results. Thought should be given to the time of outplanting as this could influence success (e.g. winter storms causing dislodgement)

Project Outcomes:


Nature of Disturbance:

Large storm event occured a week after outplanting

Scientific Paper:

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.

Area of Restoration (Ha)


Distance to nearest kelp forest (in metres)


Indicator Data:

Cost Year:2020
Cost Currency:GBP
Total Cost:4,885