The film was directed by Stefan Andrews and produced by Aaron Eger and Professor Adriana Verges of the Kelp Forest Alliance and marine biologist Director Stefan Andrews. It follows two marine scientists exploring hands-on methods for marine restoration and the revival of kelp forests in South Korea.
The story highlights the ancient practices of the Haenyeo female free divers and the innovative kelp forest management methods by the Korea Fisheries Agency. It underscores the potential for people to not only take from the sea but also care for it, offering hope for the restoration of kelp forests globally. The film emphasises humanity's profound connection to the ocean.
"Gardening Marine Forests" has been a finalist at several prestigious festivals, including the Wildlife Film Festival, Dana Point Film Festival, Environmental Film & Screenplay Festival, International Wildlife Film Festival, World Whale Film Festival, Les Bois Film Festival and the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) Film Festival.
It won the Best Long Form Short Film award at the Environmental Film & Screenplay Festival, won best feature film at the Society for Ecological Restoration Film Festival, and was a finalist in the Wildlife Conservation category at the International Wildlife Film Festival.
By emphasising the idea that people can not only take from the sea but also take care of it, the film inspires change and contributes to restoring thriving kelp forests globally.