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9.0 Restoration in Practice: Projects from Around the World (Summary)


9.0 Restoration in Practice: Projects from Around the World (Summary)

The following are examples of kelp restoration in practice from around the world. They span a range of environments, approaches, and target species.

Together, they provide examples of coordinated restoration programs and explain why restoration was necessary and initiated, who was involved, the methods used and whether they were successful, the costs involved, and, importantly, the lessons learned. The case studies are not intended to provide step-by-step instructions for restoration; rather, these models can be referred to while reading the guidebook chapters, and they provide many on-the-ground examples of the topics and concepts discussed herein. Restoration practitioners may also be interested in reviewing the studies most similar to their circumstances and conditions, or they may benefit from exploring how kelp forest restoration is done in different regions and with different species.

Project 01 - Bull Kelp Restoration in the Mendocino Region of Northern California

Bull Kelp Restoration in the Mendocino Region of Northern California

Project 02 - Operation Crayweed

Operation Crayweed

Project 03 - Haida Gwaii, Canada

Haida Gwaii, Canada

Project 04 - Diver Control of Long-spined Sea Urchin in Tasmania

Diver Control of Long-spined Sea Urchin in Tasmania

Project 05 - Kelp Restoration at the National Scale

Kelp Restoration at the National Scale

Project 06 - Restoration of isoyake (Deforested) Area

Restoration of isoyake (Deforested) Area

Project 07 - Palos Verdes Kelp Forest Restoration Project

Palos Verdes Kelp Forest Restoration Project

Project 08 - Quicklime and Restoration of Kelp Forest Lost to Sea Urchin Grazing in Norway

Quicklime and Restoration of Kelp Forest Lost to Sea Urchin Grazing in Norway

Project 09 - Marine Forests Restoration in the Mediterranean Sea

Marine Forests Restoration in the Mediterranean Sea

Project 10 - Green Gravel Trials in Norway

Green Gravel Trials in Norway

Project 11 - Using Chimeric Kelps to Restore Part of the Chilean Coast

Using Chimeric Kelps to Restore Part of the Chilean Coast