Kelp Forest Challenge FAQ

Kelp Forest Challenge FAQ

Target Overview

What is the kelp forest challenge?

Why do we need a target for kelp forest restoration and conservation?

What values inform the target?

What is the target date?

What is a kelp?

What is the initiative called?

Get Involved

Who can participate?

How can I be involved?

How will Indigenous people be engaged on projects?

What role will research and innovation play in the challenge?

When will the official target be launched?

Does this work exclude working with other initiatives such as the 30x30 goal or yet to be announced restoration targets?

Tracking and sub goals

What is being tracked?

Should we also set global targets for metrics other than area?

Is the target the same for all regions of the world?

How long are projects tracked for?

Where is the progress being tracked?

What is the Kelp Forest Alliance?


What activities count towards the target?

Do you consider restoration the same as protection?

When is an action restoration and when is it protection?

What happens if we protect a restored kelp forest?

Who determines if a pledge is eligible?

How do you determine if an organization has achieved their pledge?

Are pledges voluntary?

What if a project fails to meet its pledge?

Is there a minimum size or amount for a pledge?

Can we make a small pledge to start and update it as our capability grows?

Wicked Questions

Do we even know the current distribution of kelp forests or their past declines?

Shouldn’t we wait until we have more information?

Is protection or restoration worthwhile if CO2 emissions are not addressed?

What about scenarios when native species can no longer survive in the environmental conditions?

What if we’re unsuccessful in reaching our goal?

Isn’t kelp forest restoration really hard to achieve?

Shouldn’t we leave the goal setting to governments and the international community?